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1.      NAME:  The League shall be called Professional Gamers' League - Major League Baseball or PGL-MLB.


A.      The Commissioner shall serve until he resigns or is voted out of office by two-thirds of the PGL-MLB Managers. Such a vote may be called at any time by one-third of the Managers and must include a separate voting for a replacement. The Commissioner shall have the authority to implement any changes in the PGL-MLB which he deems necessary to the well being of the League.

B.      Responsibilities of the Commissioner

a.      Appoint new Managers to open teams and collect bonds.

b.      Maintain team rosters, accounting for rookie drafts, roster cuts, waivers and trades, and compile league standings and statistics.

c.       Maintain the PGL-MLB Web Site, as the primary means of communicating with Managers

d.      Create schedules for all PGL-MLB activities.


A.      The PGL-MLB will consist of 28 teams, organized into two leagues of three divisions each, as follows:

a.      American League East: Baltimore Orioles, Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, New York Yankees, Toronto Blue Jays

b.      American League Central: Chicago White Sox, Cleveland Guardians, Kansas City Royals, Milwaukee Brewers, Minnesota Twins

c.       American League West: Los Angeles Angels, Oakland Athletics, Seattle Mariners, Texas Rangers

d.      National League East: Atlanta Braves, Miami Marlins, New York Mets, Philadelphia Phillies, Washington Nationals

e.      National League Central: Chicago Cubs, Cincinnati Reds, Houston Astros, Pittsburgh Pirates, St. Louis Cardinals

f.        National League West: Arizona Diamondbacks, Los Angeles Dodgers, San Diego Padres, San Francisco Giants

B.      The team names (including ballparks and ballparks ratings) of Colorado Rockies and Tampa Bay Rays will not be used in the PGL-MLB.

C.     All Managers must legally use the current version Strat-O-Matic's (SOM) computer game software, have e-mail and internet access, have the ability to send and receive compressed (zipped) files, and have the ability to read MS Word files.

D.     Managers shall play all games and report all statistics according to schedule. Failure to complete all games will result in expulsion from the PGL-MLB, except in extraordinary circumstances as determined by the Commissioner.

4.      SEASON

A.      The PGL-MLB will use the results of the previous real-life season, and ratings published by SOM (including ballpark ratings). The regular season consisting of 162 games will run from April until September, with managers playing their 81 home games. The Commissioner will set specific dates before each season.

B.      Five teams from each league, the three division champions and the two teams with the best won-lost records who did not win a division championship (wild card teams) will qualify for the Post Season.  Ties which effect only the playoff match-ups and home field advantage, but do not effect which five teams qualify for the playoffs will be decided by: (1) head-to-head records; (2) won-lost records excluding inter-league games; (4) Differential in runs scored and runs allowed; (5) coin flip. Ties that affect which five teams qualify for the playoffs will be decided by one-game playoffs. The home team for this game will be decided by: (1) head-to-head records; (2) won-lost records excluding inter-league games;  (4) Differential in runs scored and runs allowed; (5) coin flip. The Commissioner (or other neutral manager selected by the Commissioner) will play these one-game playoffs using computer managers supplied by managers of the participating teams. All player usage rules applicable to post-season games will apply to this play-off game (see below).  Alternatively, the two managers may agree to play the game via netplay, but they must play the game no later than two days after the calendar date for which it is scheduled.

a.      In each league, the two Wild Card teams shall meet in a three-game Wild Card series, with the team better won-lost record having two games at home (games 2 and 3).  The winner of the Wild Card Series shall advance to the Divisions Series.

b.      Division Series in each league, the Division champion with the best won-lost record will play the winner of Wild Card Series, and the other two Division Champions will play each other.

c.       League Championship Series in each league will match the winners of the Division Series.

d.      Winners of the League Championship Series will advance to the World Series.

e.      All Division Series, League Championship Series and the World Series will be seven games in length, with the team with the better won-lost record having four games (games 1, 2, 6 and 7) at home.  However, a Wild Card team may never have home field advantage in any of these series unless it meets another Wild Card team in the World Series.

f.        The Commissioner shall set the exact calendar dates for all Post Season Series and games.


A.      Trades

a.      The Trading Period begins in October on a date determined by the commissioner, after rosters for the upcoming season are posted to the web site, and ends the second Thursday in March.  No trading is allowed outside of this trading period.

b.      All trades are permanent.  No loaning of players, players-to-be-named later, or any other future consideration is allowed.

c.       Only current season Rookie Draft choices may be traded, only between the opening of the Trading Period and one day before the third Saturday in January.

d.      A team cannot make more than four trades with the same team in a single Trading Period.

e.      A player cannot be traded more than three times in a single Trading Period.

f.        If a team makes more that 15 trades or trades involving more than 25 of its players and / or draft picks in a single trading season, that team will:

·         Not be allowed to make any further trades in the current trading period; and

·         be limited to no more than 10 trades or trades involving no more than 15 of its players and/or draft picks during the following Trading Season.

Note trades involving more than two teams will be counted as multiple trades for each team.  For example, a three-team trade will be counted as two trades for each of the three teams involved.

g.      Before the Trading Period begins, the Commissioner may make trades between teams without Managers to balance these teams.

h.      Both managers must report trades to the Commissioner.

B.      Rookie Draft

a.      Any player who is rated in the current year's SOM printed card set and is not on a PGL-MLB roster will be available in the Rookie Draft.  By the last Saturday in December, the Commissioner will post on the Web site the list of players available in the Rookie Draft.

b.      The Rookie Draft will consist of six rounds.  Teams will first be divided into three groups:

·         Group A – Teams who have not been in the playoffs in both of the two preceding seasons

·         Group B – Teams who have been in the playoffs in both of the two preceding seasons

·         Group C – Teams who have been in the playoffs in all of the three preceding seasons.

c.       Teams in Group A will draft first in each round, followed by teams in Group B, and then by teams in Group C.

d.      Within each group, teams shall draft in the order as determined by the following formula, with the team with the fewest points drafting first, the team with the second fewest points shall draft second in each round, and so on for the remaining teams in that group.

·         Points for Hitters = Maximum number of PGL Games in the upcoming season  X  (On-Base Percentage  +  Slugging Percentage from the previous real-life season  -  .600)

·         Points for Pitchers = Innings Pitched from the previous real-life season  X  (6.00  -  Component Earned Run Average from the previous real-life season)

·         Any hitter or pitcher with negative points will have their points changed to zero points.  Pitchers who are not eligible to appear in any PGL games in the upcoming season will have their points changed to zero.

·         Component Earned Run Average shall be that as listed for each pitcher in the annual Bill James Handbook, using the formula identified in that book.  Component Earned Run Average estimates what a pitcher’s Earned Run Average should have been, based upon his pitching performance.

·         Points for all hitters shall be totaled and points for all pitchers shall be totaled.

·         Points for all pitchers shall be multiplied by a constant factor such that the resulting total pitcher points shall equal total hitter points for all players on a PGL roster just before the Trading Period begins.

·         Total points for each PGL team are then computed, using team rosters in effect just before the Trading Period begins.

b.      If two teams have the exact same number of points, the team whose manager is the more senior PGL Manager will draft before the more junior PGL member in all rounds.

e.      The Commissioner, at his sole discretion, may award up to four Competitive Balance Picks in each draft to teams whose roster has one or more of the following characteristics compared to the average PGL team:

·         Far fewer players with eligibility to play in the upcoming PGL season

·         Far fewer total games available

·         Significantly poorer hitting and pitching statistics based upon the just-completed MLB season

These Competitive Balance Picks will occur in between Rounds 1 and 2 of the draft.  A team may receive more than one Competitive Balance Pick in a single draft, but no more than a cumulative total of four such picks may be awarded across all teams.  Competitive Balance Picks cannot be traded.  The positioning of Competitive Balance Picks will not be adjusted upwards or downwards due to any overuse penalties (See Section 6.D)

f.        The Rookie Draft will be held via e-mail starting on the Thursday before the second Saturday in January and will be completed via an on-line chat room on the third Saturday in January.  If any team is without a Manager, the Commissioner will make its draft selections.

g.      Managers unable to participate in either the e-mail and/or on-line portions of the Rookie Draft must send their draft selections to the Commissioner in advance of these events. Such selections will only be used if a Manager is unable to participate in the e-mail and /or on-line portions of the Rookie Draft.

h.      After the draft, any rookie not selected will be assigned to the PGL-MLB team corresponding to his real life team.  If an unselected Rookie played for more than one team in the preceding real-life season, he will be assigned to the PGL-MLB team corresponding to his first team in the preceding real-life season.  Rookies not selected in the Rookie Draft whose real-life team is Colorado or Tampa Bay will be available in Waivers (see Section 5.D.). 

C.     Roster Limits: During the Trading Period, there is no limit on roster size.  By the second Tuesday in March, Managers must reduce rosters to 32 (for teams with Waiver Picks 1 to 5), 31 (for teams with Waiver Picks 6 to 10), 30 (Waiver Picks 11 to 15), 29 (Waiver Picks 16 to 20), or 28 (Waiver Picks 21 to 28).  Note that roster sizes are based upon the Waiver Pick Order described in Section 5.D.  Players released will no longer be owned by any PGL-MLB team and will be available in Waivers only if they are rated in SOM's current printed card set.

D.     Waivers

a.      The Commissioner will post on the web site a list of players available in Waivers as soon as possible after the second Tuesday in March.  Waiver selections will begin the following Saturday.

b.      Waivers will consist of three rounds. In the first two rounds, teams will select one player in each round.  In the third round, teams will select two players during its turn to pick. 

c.       In each round of waivers, teams will select in the order determined by the formula described in Section 5.B.d., in order of lowest points to highest points.  Note teams are NOT divided into Groups A, B and C as in the Rookie Draft order, and overuse penalties are NOT applied to the Waiver Selection order.  So the Waiver Selection order will be different from the Rookie Draft order.

d.      Waiver selections will be conducted via e-mail, starting as soon as the list of players available is posted to the web site. The Commissioner will post Waiver selections on the web site as they are made. Note that teams do not cut additional players in order to make these four waiver selections.

e.      Players not selected in waivers will not be owned by any PGL-MLB team.

f.        Waiver picks may not be traded at any time.


A.      Hitters: The chart below determines the maximum number of games in which a hitter on a PGL-MLB team's roster can appear, based upon the number of real-life game he appeared in during the previous major league season.  A player may exceed the maximum number of games, if his At Bats do not exceed 100% of his real-life At Bats during the previous major league season.

Real-Life . . PGL-MLB

Real-Life . . PGL-MLB

Real-Life . . PGL-MLB

Real-Life . . PGL-MLB

1 - 14 . . . . . . . 0 *
15 - 19 . . . . . . 25
20 - 24 . . . . . . 30
25 - 29 . . . . . . 35
30 - 34 . . . . . . 43
35 - 39 . . . . . . 50

40 - 44 . . . . . . 55
45 - 49 . . . . . . 60
50 - 54 . . . . . . 68
55 - 59 . . . . . . 75
60 - 64 . . . . . . 81
65 - 69 . . . . . . 85

70 - 74 . . . . . . 90
75 - 79 . . . . . . 95
80 - 84 . . . . . 100
85 - 89 . . . . . 105
90 - 94 . . . . . 110
95 - 99 . . . . . 115

100 - 104 . . . . 120
105 - 109 . . . . 125
110 - 119 . . . . 130
120 - 129 . . . . 135
130 - 140 . . . . 140
140 & up . . . . **

* A player appearing in 1 to 14 real-life games who is rated in the current year's printed SOM Card set may play in up to 25 PGL-MLB games.

** A player appearing in 140 or more real-life games may play in up to exactly that number of PGL-MLB games.

B.      Pitchers: Pitchers on a PGL-MLB team's roster who play in 15 or more or start in 5 or more real-life games in the preceding major league season may play in a maximum of 50% more or 10 more PGL-MLB games than real-life games played during the preceding major league season, whichever is less. A pitcher appearing in less than 15 and starting less than 5 real-life games and who is rated in the current year's printed SOM Card set may play in up to 50% more PGL-MLB games than real-life games played during the preceding major league season. The chart below shows the maximum number of games a pitcher may start, based upon the number of real-life games he started during the previous major league season. A pitcher may exceed the maximum number of games, but not maximum number of starts, if his Innings Pitched do not exceed 100% of his real-life Innings Pitched during the previous major league season.

Real-Life . . . . PGL-MLB

Real-Life . . . . PGL-MLB

Real-Life . . . . . PGL-MLB

0 - 9 . . 150% of Real-Life
10 - 21 . . . . Real-Life +5
22 - 23 . . . . Real-Life + 4

24 - 25 . . . . Real-Life + 3
26 - 27 . . . . Real-Life + 2
28 - 29 . . . . Real-Life + 1

30 & up . . . . . . Real-Life

Pitchers can be used in home games in only the following non-pitching roles:

·         As a pinch hitter or defensive substitute if there are no hitters available on a team's bench

·         As a pinch runner at any time, provided he is replaced with a hitter at the end of that half-inning (unless no hitters are available on a team's bench)

·        If the designated hitter assumes a fielding position, his team's current pitcher (and all successive relief pitchers in that game) must hit for themselves in the batting position of the hitter who left the game.

In road games, pitchers can be used in any offensive role that the computer manager may use them.  Games in which pitchers are used only in these offensive roles will not count against their maximum game allowance as a pitcher.

C.     If a player is injured in any PGL-MLB game and leaves that game, he remains injured for the remainder of that game only, regardless of the number of games which SOM states that player is injured. The injured player may play in the next game. This rule applies to both home and visiting team players.

D.     If a team overuses one of more players during a season, that team shall be penalized in the next season's rookie draft in the following manner. The number of games of overuse for all of a team's players shall be combined and that team's draft position shall be adjusted according to the following chart (Note - in computing penalties, overuse of starting pitchers shall be counted as five games of overuse for each one game started of actual overuse):

Games of Overuse

Draft Position Adjustment

1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round

5th Round

1 to 5
6 to 8
9 to 10




Down 1

No Penalty
Down 1
Down 1

11 to 12
13 to 14

Down 1

Down 1
Down 1

Down 1
Down 1
Down 1

Down 1
Down 1
Down 1

Down 1
Down 1
Down 1


Down 1
Down 1
Down 1
Down 1
Down 2

Down 1
Down 1
Down 1
Down 2
Down 2

Down 1
Down 1
Down 2
Down 2
Down 2

Down 1
Down 2
Down 2
Down 2
Down 2

Down 2
Down 2
Down 2
Down 2
Down 2


Down 2
Down 2
Down 2
Down 2
Down 3

Down 2
Down 2
Down 2
Down 3
Down 3

Down 2
Down 2
Down 3
Down 3
Down 3

Down 2
Down 3
Down 3
Down 3
Down 3

Down 3
Down 3
Down 3
Down 3
Down 3


Down 3
Down 3
Down 3
Down 3
Down 4

Down 3
Down 3
Down 3
Down 4
Down 4

Down 3
Down 3
Down 4
Down 4
Down 4

Down 3
Down 4
Down 4
Down 4
Down 4

Down 4
Down 4
Down 4
Down 4
Down 4

35 and up

Down 4
Down 4
Down 4
Down 4
Down 5

Down 4
Down 4
Down 4
Down 5
Down 5

Down 4
Down 4
Down 5
Down 5
Down 5

Down 4
Down 5
Down 5
Down 5
Down 5

Down 5
Down 5
Down 5
Down 5
Down 5


For games in which a player on the road team is used as a pinch runner and never comes to bat in that game, such game will not be counted as game played for purposes of the Game Limitation Rule and will not result in penalties for overuse.  Road managers shall keep track of such player usage and notify the Commissioner at the end of the regular season of the players and the dates of the games involved.

In addition to the above penalties for overuse, Teams with 20 or more games of overuse (again with each one game of overuse of a starting pitcher counting as five games of overuse) will not be eligible for the post season playoffs.

Overuse caused by road managers not following a team's initial Playing Instructions for a season, or overuse caused by a prior manager of a team shall be ignored for purposes of determining penalties. In addition, the Commissioner may reduce or eliminate penalties as he determines to be fair and appropriate in unusual circumstances. However, because playing ahead of schedule is permitted, managers should not rely upon mid-season changes in its road playing instructions to prevent player overuse. The Commissioner will not reduce or eliminate penalties because such mid-season changes were not followed by road managers.

E.      If a team is late in submitting its home series results to the Commissioner and to the opposing manager, that team shall be penalized by reducing the maximum number of games its hitters may appear in during the next season's regular season.  The number of games reduction shall be calculated as follows:

a.      Number of games of reduction shall be equal to the larger of:

·         the number of series reported past the due date in excess of ten; or

·         the number of cumulative days late of series reported past the due date in excess of 40, then divided by 5 and rounded up to the next whole number.

b.      Penalties shall be applied to the team's roster after completion of waivers.   Penalties shall be applied to the hitter with the highest number of maximum games available.

c.       Late reporting of series by a prior manager of a team shall be ignored for purposes of determining penalties.  In addition, the Commissioner may reduce or eliminate penalties as he determines to be fair and appropriate in unusual circumstances.  Managers are expected to play ahead of schedule to avoid late reporting of series due to vacations and other circumstances that should be known in advance.


A.      Teams will use one set of playing instructions for all road games during a season. Managers are required to use SOM's computer manager HAL to manage their teams in road games. This section's rules with respect to player usage are applicable only for a team's road games.

B.      Active Rosters: Active rosters consist of 32 players and must be the same for all home and away games. Players receiving more than one card by SOM will use the card based upon that player's total combined statistics. Players not rated in SOM's printed card set will use the rating provided with SOM's computer game, provided such players are eligible to appear in more than zero PGL-MLB games.  For September home and road games, teams owning more than 32 players may activate any previously inactive players that are eligible to appear in more than zero PGL-MLB games.

C.     Starting Line-up

a.      Both American and National Leagues will use the designated hitter rule.

b.      Managers may platoon in road games by specifying different starting lineups against right-handed and left-handed starting pitchers. For purposes of complying with Section 6.A (Game Limitation Rule), players in starting line-ups must be eligible to play in the following number of road games:

·         Starting Line-up vs. both right-handed and left-handed starting pitchers: 81 games.

·         Starting Line-up vs. left-handed starting pitchers only: 50 games.

·         Starting Line-up vs. right-handed starting pitchers only: 75 games.

c.       To qualify to start at a particular position, a player must have played at least 35 real-life games at that position during the previous real-life season. Outfield positions are considered as a single category, not three separate ones. Any player who can play in number of games specified in Section 7.C.b may be used as the designated hitter in starting line-ups for road games.

D.     Starting Pitchers: Exactly five starting pitchers must be used for all road games. These starting pitchers must be numbered 1 to 5, and will be used in road games as follows: #1-18 games; #2-17 games; #3-16 games; #4-15 games; #5-15 games. Starters must be eligible to start (see Section 6.B.) at least as many games as required for the starting pitcher number to which they are assigned.

E.      Bench:  Active rosters must have a rated substitute for each fielding position.  However, two players cannot be the only rated substitute for each other.

F.      Computer Manager Settings

a.      In MANAGER SETTINGS / USING RELIEF, the settings “Conservative”, "Extra Conservative" and "Deadball Style" may not be used.

b.      In Individual Player Settings for pitchers, the "Slow Hook" option may only be used for pitchers with a real-life ERA of less than 3.00 in the previous MLB Season.

c.       In Individual Player Settings for pitchers, any starting pitcher being used in road games with an ERA over 4.50 must use “MAX 7 IP per Start.”

d.      In Individual Player Settings for pitchers, all relief pitchers being used in road games must use either “MAX of 1 to 2 IP in Relief” or “MAX of 2 to 3 IP in Relief.”

e.      The five starting pitchers being used in road games must be set to "NEVER" use in relief.

f.        Any players not to be used in any road games should be assigned to the "MINORS". 

g.      Super HAL bullpens are not used by the PGL-MLB.

G.     Managers must program the computer manager and provide it to the Commissioner no later than the first Saturday in April. Computer manager files sent to the Commissioner must be unlocked so that the Commissioner can verify compliance with league rules. The Commissioner will lock computer manager files, if requested, before distributing final roster files to all managers.


A.      Managers are strongly discouraged, but not prohibited, from using the computer manager to manage their team in home games.

B.      The Home Manager can only use players on his 32-man Active roster, or his expanded roster in September.  In home games, Managers may use any player in starting line-ups, change starting line-ups from game to game, and use as many or as few starting pitchers as desired, provided Managers comply with Section 6 (Game Limitation Rule).  Starting pitchers must have at least three calendar days rest between home starts.  Pitchers may not be used in relief in any series in which they start a game.  In extra inning games, the home manager must remove his starting pitcher no later than the end of the 10th inning.

C.     For Visiting Teams, Home Managers will use the visiting team's computer manager for Visiting Teams. Managers may agree to play some regular season games via NetPlay, in which case the computer manager for the visiting team shall be turned off.  However, the road team's starting pitcher as identified in the regular season game schedule must be used and may not be changed in games played via NetPlay.

D.     Statistics Reporting

a.      For each home game, Managers must save Game Export Files (two per game - one for home team, one for visiting team) and Box Score files in SOM's ".prt" format.

b.      At the conclusion of each series, Mangers must send Game Export Files and Box Scores to the Visiting Team Manager and to the Commissioner.

c.       If statistics from a game are not saved correctly, that game will be considered null and void and the Home Manager will replay the game.


A.      The following rules apply to all post-season games, for both home and away teams.

a.      The Active Roster for any post-season series must consist of no more than 26 players who were on the 32-man Active Roster at the beginning of the regular season and who received a card in SOM's printed card set.  Players activated for just September games and players with "computer-only" cards are not eligible for Post-Season Games.  Active Rosters may be changed in between post-season series, but not during a post-season series.

b.      All players in the starting line-up (excluding pitchers) must have been eligible to play in at least 50 games during the just-completed PGL regular season and must have played in at least 35 games at the position at which they are starting during the previous real-life season. To start at DH, a player only needs to have been eligible to play in at least 50 games during the just-completed PGL regular season.

c.       All starting pitchers must be eligible to be a #1 through #5 starter in road games (see Section 7.D.).  Starting pitchers must have at least four calendar days rest between starts, but each starting pitcher may start a game with only three calendar days rest one time during the entire post season.  No pitcher can be used in relief during a series in which he starts any game.

d.      Active rosters must have a rated substitute for each fielding position.  However, two players cannot be the only rated substitute for each other.

B.      For each post season game, the road manager will decide whether to play the game via NetPlay or not.  If the road manager chooses NetPlay and the home manager is unwilling or unable to play the games via NetPlay, the Commissioner will appoint another manager to manage the home team for those games and those games will be played via NetPlay.  If the road manager does not choose NetPlay, the road manager will send the home manager a fully programmed computer manager for the road team and the home manager will play the games using that computer manager.

C.     Statistics reporting requirements for Post Season Games are the same as for Regular Season Games.


A.      Rules

Main Rules - Maximum Level
Stealing - Super Advanced Steal System
Miscellaneous - Use Miscellaneous Rules
Injuries - Use Injuries
Ground Ball A - Allow GBA on Pitcher Cards
Ballpark Effects - On

Weather Effects - On
Clutch Hitting - On
Strategy - Use Super Adv. Strategy Charts
Closer - Use Closer Rules
Pitcher Fatigue - Use SADV & Pitch Count
MLB Rules – 2023 and Beyond Rules

B.      Lineups and Usage

Visiting Lineup - Primary
Scheduled Days Off - Give Sched. Days Off
Minor Leaguers - Minor Leaguers Ineligible
Use Super Hal Bullpen - Off
Use Super Hal Subs – Off
Use Super Hal Pinch Run / Hit - Off

Home Team Lineup - Primary
Auto-Swap - No Auto Swap-O-Matic
Overusage - Ignore Overusage
Allow Extra GS for Certain Pitchers - Off
Use Actual Pitcher Batting Cards – Off
Warn when Actual Usage Exceeded - Off

C.     Autoplay / Box Score

Output-What - Boxscore, PAC & Scoresheet
Output-Where - File
Output-When - Always

Display Game Story on Box Scores - On
Create Game Results Files - On

D.     Maximum Rule Settings

Improve Statistical Accuracy - Off
Bunt for Base Hit - On
Improve Out Distribution - On
Improve Base Running Realism - On
Home Field Advantage - Off

Starting Pitcher Clutch - Off
More Base Running Decisions - On
Doubles / Triples Option - On
Force Daily Injuries - Off
Realistic Throwing Errors – On

Allow Extra Pre-1920 Errors – Off
Pitch-Around Option - On

Robbing HR Rule - Off
Correct Game Board Excesses - On
Allow Errors on Bunts - On
Allow Errors on Pickoffs - On
Pro-rate Injuries to Length of Season - Off

Limit All Injuries to Current Game Only - On
Allow Defensive Shifts - Off
Catcher Blocking the Plate Rule – Off
Extreme Batter-Pitcher Matchups – Off
Allow errors not shown of SADV X-Chart – Off

Throttle back Monster Cards – On
Normalize Error Ratings - Off

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